Saturday, January 25, 2014

Handmade Thank You Cards

This year, I decided to make my own thank you cards for the holidays.  Some friends and I got together for a crafting day, and it was the perfect opportunity to try some new things!  I love how these cards turned out, and definitely plan to keep doing this throughout the year.

Paper Source (my new obsession) is a great place to source the materials needed for this project.  Here's what I used:
The whole project takes about an hour.  Anything that can be completed in one toddler nap time is golden in my book.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

An Annual Holiday Tea

Every year for the last eight years, my Mom, BFF, and I have celebrated with an annual holiday tea.  I've known my friend and her family since we were both 12 years old, and our friendship has spanned years living in separate places during HS and college, coming back to live close by after college, and now again living hundreds of miles away from one another. 

She's a friend I'm so grateful to have in my life.

We're both committed to this holiday tea every year, and will travel to make it happen!  This year, she came back to DC since it's still hard for me to solo travel overnight when I'm breastfeeding Liam. 

Here are a few pictures from our day.  We went down to Pinkadilly Tea House in Frederick, VA (which is such a cute little town I had never explored before!)  The tea house is so pink, girly, and ridiculous, it made me daydream about having a little girl to bring down there. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Liam's Birthday Celebration

Well, it's two months later, but it wouldn't seem right to track Liam's growth for most of his first year without reflecting a bit on his 1-year birthday.  I learned some big lessons with kid birthday party planning.  And that is - not to take on TOO much.  It was great.  But it was stressful.

My two favorite moments from the day were those that took no planning whatsoever.

On the eve of Liam's birthday, the husband and I lit a candle, read him a special bedtime story, and ended with the following poem from the Birthday Book.

“When i have said my evening prayer,
and my clothes are folded on my chair,
Mommy and Daddy switch off the light,
I'll still be 11 months old tonight.

But from the very break of day,
before the children rise and play,
before the darkness turns to gold,
tomorrow I'll be one years old…

One kiss when i wake,
one candle on my cake.
A goodnight kiss for the eleven month old
to send him to sleep and to dreaming.
And blessings to the one year old
who'll be carried from bed in the morning.”

Then I lay with him and snuggled him into sleep for a long long time.  I thought about our year together, our birth, and how much this little being has changed our lives in so many ways. 

The morning of the big day was a Friday.  Our out of town family had yet to arrive, and my husband went into work.  It was just Liam and me all day long.  And I was thrilled.  I made him a big batch of special pumpkin pancakes and we spent half the day in our pajamas.  

His birthday party was the next day on Saturday afternoon.  I did way too much and exhausted myself.  I had quite a bit of help from family, but still, it was too much.  The pictures below prove the party actually happened, but I honestly don't remember too much of it.  Instead, I'm happy to have the two memories above to mark his 1 year.  And I'm already thinking about how I'll simplify for his 2-year birthday party.  

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Reconnecting and Catch Up

Hi.  It's been two months.  Are you still there, all 5 of my readers?  I'm guessing not.  But that's okay.  I've missed writing in this space, and one of my many intentions for 2014 is to get a rhythm and flow into this blog so that I'm updating it at least a few times per month.  But I'm not gonna lie - it's been a tough balance with full time + motherhood and wifehood, part time working, and carving out small spaces of time for myself. 

I write today from my favorite neighborhood spot, having just finished my first real yoga class in months.  Bliss. 

But it's taken a long time to get here. 

November started off with Liam's 1 year birthday party, and rounded into December with each of us taking turns getting a yucky head cold virus thing that I hope we never have to meet again.  Then, Thanksgiving.  Then a visit from the BFF for our Annual Christmas Tea (not to be missed!)  Then Christmas Craziness.  And then we traveled to the Left Coast (aka best coast) to introduce Liam to some extended family.  All wonderful things (except that cold), that left me with 0 time to invest anywhere else.

And I had a few breakdowns about it.  I don't do well when I can't do yoga.  Or write.  Or have any time to myself.  I love experiencing everything that life has to offer.  (Remember, I'm a Sanguine!)  But I also have very introverted qualities in that I regain energy by being by myself. 

So, here we are.  Just beginning the adventures that 2014 will bring.  My husband and I are working on shifting a few things around so that we can regain the space that we both need.  For example, I'm taking my Saturday mornings back.  When I first started working, I felt selfish being gone from the house, PLUS taking Saturday mornings to do yoga or work on something for myself.  Not anymore. 

My husband switched his gym membership to a gym closer to his office so he could work out right before or after work, and still make it home by 7pm for the Liam bed time routine. We'll see how it continues to go and make adjustments as needed. 

For now, I'm glad to be back, sharing things that I find interesting, writing about what I want to remember, and reflecting on life with a 1-year old. 

New Years Day Sunset on Meditation Mount, Ojai, CA